Thursday, June 16, 2011


I recently following a "movement" called Charcutepalooza. It's a celebration of sorts. A celebration of curing, salting, and smoking meat. It's about reconnecting with how our ancestors approached meat before refrigeration. It's also a means to pass on the humane treatment of animals by learning to maximize the use of the animal to prevent a wasteful death, learning techniques of enhancing flavors, and generally reacquainting ourselves with a lost art. The group is comprised of food bloggers who are given a monthly challenge to prepare something using the above techniques and then writing about it by the 15th of the following month. As it turns out, I recently wrote about making sausage and curing duck to make duck prosciutto which coincidentally were two of the past challenges. The challenges are posted on Mrs Wheelbarrows Kitchen.
I invite you to join in or follow along and make any comments or suggestion to enhance my challenges. July's challenge is sausage emulsification which is the process that transforms a sausage into a smooth textured sausage as in a hot dog or bratwurst. I have never done this process, so it'll be fun for me to learn a new technique.

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