Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kangsuh Restaurant, NYC (Allis LCB classmate)

In the continuing tradition of keeping in touch with some of my LCB classmates, I was fortunate enough to meet with my classmate Allis in NY for lunch. I was lucky enough to catch Allis while she is home for the Holidays from Tokyo. we had also invited Julia but she was unable to attend due to travel plans. We decided to meet in Koreatown which is along 32nd St between 5th Avenue and Broadway. The street is lined with lots of Korean restaurants which makes it difficult to choose one from another. We decided on Kangsuh Restaurant. I deferred all of the ordering to Allis who is of Korean heritage. My only request was that we include the traditional Korean BBQ in the order. Allis ordered salads, assortment of vegetables marinated in various sauces, and dumpling soup. The table top stove was gas and not the traditional charcoal which Allis pointed out would have been better for flavoring the meats with that great smoky flavor. The meal was tasty and the service was good, but I have to confess we were too busy catching up to focus on the food. Although her job keeps her very busy, Allis has managed to squeeze in a part-time internship at a Tokyo restaurant to keep her cooking hand in the game. She provided me a small glimpse of what it's like behind the scenes of a Japanese kitchen. It's fascinating to see where we have all landed following our Parisian experience. Obviously driven by the passion for food, we have all managed to find our niche, whether full-time or part-time, despite primary careers and personal demands.

I dug up the above picture of Allis which was taken a year ago during a class party following our final written exam. Every time I talk with one of my classmates I think how much fun It would be to go back for Intermediates!

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